
Adjusting the power inverter voltage higher than 48V use

No matter what product will always have to adjust the time, and some products that need to be adjusted to use will be more efficient, on the adjustment of the power inverter more people are choosing to use a voltage higher than 48V, what this sentence is does that mean?
Simply means that each product can be adjusted to be more perfect, especially the use of power products more need to be careful, why use higher than 48V power it?
Because the power of the 500w solar inverter voltage is relatively high, and under normal circumstances are not suitable for some of the power consumption, and more suitable for power plants or the use of some enterprises, why do you say?
Adjusting the power inverter voltage higher than 48V power use, no matter what the product or the power inverter, the main voltage is higher than 220V product is not suitable for domestic electricity or mains electricity, because the product of the Solar power inverters high in nature, then it is not so stable to use, can easily lead to the loss of current or a short circuit phenomenon.
In contrast, under the power or the power or choose UPS, power supply cabinet and so these products more stable and reliable power supply to use it!
This is why adjusting the power inverter voltage higher than 48V using one of the reasons.

