
24 volt power inverters

Power inverter safe
1 . What are the current power inverter models ?
Currently on the market for power inverters have 140W, 450W, 800W, 1200W, 2000W, 3000W, 225W portable , 400W portable .
2 . How to choose the right electric inverters model ?
Optional power inverter can live and work according to your purpose to choose. Eg : 140W power inverter can use a 29- inch color TV and a VCD player .
450W power inverter can be used in general power tools.
800W power inverter can be used to drive a small microwave.
3 . Power inverter using the input power can only come from the vehicle is stationary or running ? Input supply may be derived from the car running state may be a stationary state.
4 . If the car is at rest , can use the power inverter work ? Where to provide input power ?
Car in the stationary state , you can use the power inverter to work , driven by the electrical outlet can get below 150W output power directly from the cigarette lighter , use a dedicated higher than 150W car battery cable clamps to get the power.
5. How to determine the power inverter can be used to obtain the power of the time ?
And supporting power inverter batteries, 5000w power inverter generally amperes (AH) as power units of measurement, such as 80AH battery in addition to electrical power is multiplied by 10 , is carried by electrical power inverter can be used time .
For example , the television 100 watts
÷ 100 W × 10 = 8 hours 80 safe
6. When power inverter work surface temperatures much ? Whether there is a certain security risk ?
Power inverter at maximum power output, not higher than 70 ℃, there will not be a security risk.
7 . Protection device power inverter have?
A ) temperature protection. Surface temperature is higher than 70 ℃, automatic shut-off .
2 ) High voltage protection. The input voltage is 16V ± 0.5V
3 ) low voltage alarm . 220v power inverter The input voltage is 10.5V ± 0.5V
4 ) Low voltage protection. The input voltage is 10V ± 0.5V

