
Green energy using an inverter healthier

In fact, there are many types of inverters, not specifically to study the inverter of people really do not know the different types of inverters are not functional effectiveness and usage are the same!
Also, if I do not have to know if I also really do not know the inverter and the power inverter or power sine wave inverter, sine wave inverter what these inverters is not the same!
But we can not blindly choose any thing! In particular inverter, it is not to be more of it!
Inverter with other inverters is not the same as the 500w solar inverter is designed specifically for the postal system power inverter, in line with telecommunications systems YU / T777-1999 "inverter device" standard.
And Ministry of Information Industry Network permits. DC input 48VCD AC output 220VAC sine wave power, low noise, high reliability, anti-irrigation noise than postal system requirements, do not interfere with the call quality!
Relatively speaking Off grid inverters is suitable for small and medium computer more convenient, data exchange, telex terminals, wireless paging equipment, microwave equipment, PBX, backstage management system, monitoring control systems, telephone systems, packet switching systems and billing system and other requirements of stable and reliable sine wave power devices, and so on!

